DANIELA, Vegan Consultant & Founder of
Vegan Friendly Switzerland, Switzerland
"I never had a breakthrough like that and I'd done a lot of mindset work before."
"During my coaching with Tajda, I had a real breakthrough about my fears, which were always standing in the way of me being really successful. Since then I can handle them and am not afraid anymore, which is such a positive outcome for me. If you have a chance, just work with her, you won't regret it."
SANJA, Architect & Reiki Master, Slovenia

"Tajda taught me how to work with myself in a loving, gentle and accepting way."
"Working on yourself is work. When we do it on our own we often don't see another perspective than our own and we can get stuck with certain blocks or triggers longer than needed. That's exactly where Tajda helped me - she was like a breath of fresh air that helped me breathe and showed me that there's an easier way. I love how she helps you solve your problems with gentleness and ease. I admire
her commitment and true dedication to helping others. She's a professional - she developed a holistic strategy of solving my blocks but did her work with so much warmth and kindness.
Before our coaching together I didn't believe that I can achieve the same results with a loving approach (instead of using more aggressive methods). She taught me how to see myself with more gentleness, love, how to accept myself even when I'm furious at myself. Most importantly, she taught me how to work with myself in a loving, gentle and accepting way, knowing that I already have all the necessary knowledge, independently of her. I would definitely recommend working with her because of her warmth, acceptance and heart-centeredness."

ILARIA, Founder of La Ria's Handmade Cards, Switzerland
"I’ve grown a lot within the coaching period - I’ve gained more self-confidence, started prioritizing my self-care and giving value to my opinion."
"Working with Tajda on my personal growth gave me so much joy. Her positive, warm and loving way stood out since the beginning. Furthermore, the coaching was deep and uplifting. Before coaching, I felt stuck in my personal growth and didn't know how to overcome that. I wanted to become more self-aware and self-confident, be more aligned to live the life I want to live and to learn new techniques that would support me in achieving my goals. Tajda gave me helpful tools I could use on an
everyday basis. I felt supported throughout the entire journey with her; also, we dived deep into topics which were relevant for my inner work.
After each session, I felt full of motivation, love and positive energy. At the end of every coaching, I loved doing the mindfulness exercise - it always touched my soul. I feel I have grown a lot within the coaching period, and I am grateful for everything I have accomplished. I got much clearer about life, about myself. Talking to Tajda on a weekly basis and having such strong support by my side fulfilled me. I believe that’s also something very powerful - having someone who believes in you, motivates you and gives you new inspiration. I’m super grateful for the three months coaching with her.
Since our coaching, I definitely got a better understanding of myself, my spirit and my mind. I’ve gained more self- confidence, started the process of prioritizing my self-care and giving value to my opinion. I am now more aware when it comes to decision making, so I try to ask myself if I truly want something or if I would just do it to please someone. It was amazing that I've realised (and became more conscious of knowing) that I am creating my own life - and no one else. I guess this had a crucial impact on my daily life, along with the understanding that I have a voice too. And I’ve finally done a lot of progress on my card business!
I highly recommend working with Tajda if you feel blocked in your life and need support. She has such a genuinely beautiful, loving, warming way and her gentle, calming voice centres your heart. <3"

MIRA, Physiotherapist, Slovenia
"Tajda helped me find myself again. To see the real me that was hiding deep underneath all the judgement, limiting beliefs, prejudices and pain.”’
"Before I started doing individual coaching with Tajda I felt confused, hopeless, unsure of myself and tired of everything. I didn’t trust myself and appreciate myself enough to show myself to people as I really am. I knew I needed help and I wanted someone to help me out of this dark place. Because of different challenges in life and difficult past experiences I lost faith in my abilities and myself (and subsequently in other people). I saw everything through a negative lens.
Tajda was really understanding and compassionate, and when necessary clear and determined to invite me to turn inwards and to transform my own triggers. She showed me that the problem isn’t in other people, but in ourselves. She gave me weekly tasks and they were really helpful - without them, I probably wouldn’t get the insights I did. I could feel that she dedicated her time to me and that she really cared about me. She understood what was happening inside of me and she approached those parts with compassion - that disarmed me from fighting my inner demons. She gave me the strength to face them and to finally move forward in my life.
After our coaching, I noticed huge changes. I’m more understanding of myself and others, especially my partner. I learned that I have to consistently work on my wellbeing, if possible every day. And that bad days still come, but when they do, I accept them and know that good days are coming right after. Tajda helped me find myself again. To see the real Mira that was hiding deep underneath all the judgement, limiting beliefs, prejudices and pain… The biggest transformation was definitely getting back my feeling of freedom and knowing that I can achieve anything I want because I have the power in my hands.
I learned that despite all the bad things that might have happened to us in the past, we still have to take our life in our own hands and live it fully. That’s the only way we can be happy. No one can do certain things for us that we feel are hard to do in the beginning. But if we try, there’s a reward waiting for us at the end. And that’s a feeling of freedom, inner peace and being happy and content with ourselves!
I would absolutely recommend coaching with Tajda to anyone who feels stuck in their life and doesn't know how to get out of that vicious cycle. I guarantee you will have control over your life afterwards!